National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Preventing Violence: Evidence-Based Programs and Policies to Promote Positive Youth Development
Though ever present, the topic of violence has been particularly salient of late given several events in the news that are indicative of serious underlying conditions. What is not discussed as often are those practices and policies scientifically proven to help prevent violence. The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives hosted a briefing with nationally recognized experts on violence prevention and positive youth development. The panel focused on individual-level and environmental factors that influence youth development and increase propensity for violence. Strategies were then discussed for short-term and long range reduction in violence. These strategies can save taxpayer dollars while strengthening the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities. There was also discussion of the Youth PROMISE Act (YPA), helping youth to develop into healthy and successful adults.
Co-Sponsor Representative Robert C. “Bobby” Scott began the briefing by presenting on bipartisan prevention-related legislation. Representative Tony Cardenas (CA-29), Co-Chair of the Crime Prevention and Youth Development Caucus, made opening remarks. Dr. Rebecca Vivrette from University of Maryland School of Medicine, provided an overview and discussed the NPSC Youth Violence Prevention Working Group.
Panel One: Violence: Its origins, prevalence, and effects
Preventing Violence: Understanding and Addressing the Determinants of Violence in the United States.
Dr. Kristin Anderson Moore (Senior Scholar, Child Trends)
Briefing Presentation (July 2015)
The Social Ecology of Youth Violence: Implications for evidence-based community crime prevention.
Dr. Peter Scharf (Professor LSU School of Public Health and the Institute for Public Health and Justice)
Briefing Presentation (July 2015)
Panel Two: Violence: Prevention via evidence-based programs
Evidence-Based prevention strategies, positive youth development and community youth organizing.
Dr. Michael Greene (Senior Fellow, Rutgers School of Criminal Justice)
Briefing Presentation (July 2015)
Longer-term solutions & prevention: A public health approach.
Dr. Thomas Simon (Deputy Associate Director for Science, Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the CDC)
Briefing Presentation (July 2015)
Violence Prevention and Youth Development
Q & A