National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
The Economics of Prevention:
Strategic Investment for Public Good and Public Savings; Pay for Success/Social Impact Bond Legislation
On May 14, 2015, NPSC hosted a briefing with nationally recognized experts on the economics of prevention. The meeting focused on specific strategies that can prevent human suffering, save tax payer dollars, and strengthen the labor market across different sectors. There was a special emphasis on the use of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) and Pay for Success (PFS) vehicles as one way to finance prevention. Congressional legislators discussed their bipartisan legislation to support this performance-based financing of prevention.
Representative Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) made opening remarks. Dr. Max Crowley, NIH research fellow from Duke University, began this briefing with an overview entitled "The Science of Investing in Prevention"
Panel One: The Financing of Prevention
Phaedra Corso Ph.D. (UGA Foundation Professor of Human Health and Director of the Economic Evaluation Research Group, University of Georgia); Economic Evidence For Informing Policymaking.
Thomas Conroy M.A. & M.B.A. (Vice President, Government Performance, The Pew Charitable Trusts); The Pew-MacArthur Results Initiative: Invest in Programs That Work.
John Roman Ph.D. (Senior Fellow in the Justice Policy Center, Urban Institute); The Pay For Success Initiative: Scaling Outcomes-Based Governance.
Due to technical issues we were unable to capture John Roman's presentation. To review the content he discussed, see:
Related Articles:
Social impact bonds: Solving government problems in four (not so) easy steps
Pay for Success and Social Impact Bonds: Funding the Infrastructure for Evidence-Based
Panel Two: Introducers and Sponsors of U.S. House Social Impact Bonds Legislation
Representative Todd Young (R-IN-9)
Representative John Delaney (D-MD-6)
Representative Robert Dold (R-IL-10)
**Due to technical issues, we were unable to capture all of the presentations. The videos below are from previous speeches on Social Impact Bonds. We apologize for any inconveinence.**