National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
A Congressional Briefing on Evidence-Based, Multi-Policy Prevention
On September 10, 2013, the Prevention Coalition (which has since merged to form the NPSC) hosted a briefing to promote governmental adoption of a "Prevention Model" for reducing costs and budget deficits while benefiting society. Representative Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) made the introductions.
Attendees were officials and staff at all levels of government (federal/state/local), researchers, evaluators, practitioners, advocates, and funders to hear a panel of experts (Rayburn House Office Building, room 2237).
Preventive actions reduce human suffering and are more cost saving than waiting until a problem develops and then trying to fix it. From interventions that prevent chronic health or environmental problems to those that reduce incarceration, homelessness, or high school drop-out rates, using evidence-supported prevention strategies pays huge dividends to individuals, government, and society.
The briefing consisted of two panels of nationally recognized experts, and be moderated by Mattea Kramer, Director of Research, National Priorities Project
If you were unable to attend, check out these helpful resources:
Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Briefing Presentation (Sept, 2013) - Diana Fishbein
White Paper - Fishbein, Stevens, & Aldridge (2014)
Conflict Prevention
Briefing Presentation (Sept, 2014) - Lisa Schirch
Panel One: Health & Education
Health Care: Ron Goetzel, Professor Emory University and Vice President Truven Health Analytics
Mental Health/Substance Abuse: Diana Fishbein, Senior Fellow and Program Director, RTI International
Childhood Education and other interventions that promote healthy childhood human development: Sarah Burd-Sharps, Co-director, Measure of America of the Social Science Research Council
High School Drop-outs and other secondary education effectiveness: Mark Dynarski, Founder, Pemberton Research
Panel Two: Violence and Security
Youth Violence: Deborah Gorman-Smith, Professor, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Criminal Justice/Recidivism: Mark Lipsey, Director, Peabody Research Institute, Vanderbuilt University
National Security/International Conflict Resolution: Lisa Schirch, Alliance for Peacebuilding, Director of Program on Human Security
Infrastructure/disaster prevention/homeland security/environment: Chris Beck, Vice President for Policy and Strategic Initiatives, Electric Infrastructure Security