National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Preventing Human Trafficking:
Research on How to Stop Trafficking Before It Starts

From left to right: Jennifer Woolard, Audrey Morrissey, Jill McLeigh, Joan Reid, Hanni Stoklosa
Approximately 40 million people worldwide, including many in the United States, are estimated to be victims of human trafficking—a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control people, including adults and children. Human trafficking can take many forms, such as commercial sexual exploitation, forced and bonded labor, or domestic servitude.
Congress’ extensive legislative framework, including the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, provides a needed infrastructure for combatting human trafficking at the national level, especially with regard to identifying and assisting victims, and prosecuting traffickers. Despite tremendous progress, little is being done to prevent this heinous crime before victims are claimed. The challenge now is to reinforce preventative strategies that stimulate local action and protect people who are vulnerable to traffickers.
On November 2, 2017 a congressional briefing was held in partnership with the Congressional Victims' Rights Caucus and several sponsors seen below. A panel of researchers described (1) conditions that increase a person’s vulnerability to trafficking victimization, (2) community-based strategies that can be tailored to local needs by task forces and key stakeholders (such as law enforcement, faith-based organizations, and nonprofits), and (3) strategies that have the potential to reduce individual risk of victimization. Additionally, a survivor, Audrey Morrissey, shared her perspective on how her victimization could have been prevented.
Representative Ted Poe, Victims’ Rights Caucus Co-Chair
Joan Reid, PhD
University of South Florida – St. Petersburg
Community Conditions that Increase Individual Vulnerability
Jill McLeigh, PhD
Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice
Local Strategy Development for Primary Prevention
Hanni Stoklosa, MD, MPH
HEAL Trafficking, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Strategies for Reducing Individual Risk of Victimization
For more information about this briefing including additional literature, contact:
Taylor Scott, Ph.D., Research-to-Policy Coordinator